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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

Wow, I feel really lame for playing the games in a messed up order. But whatever. I finally got my hands on AC: Brotherhood on Christmas and wasn't able to play it till today. I plan on getting 3 and 4 next.
Brotherhood so far is pretty good. I love that you can ride the horses through the cities and Shawn has given me a reason to actually like him as a character. He's still an asshole but he's got a funny sarcastic side to him that makes me laugh every time.
As for Lucy, she became a sarcastic bitch. I don't know why I hate her so much.
Oh, what's the other chick's name? I can't think of it off the top of my head but she's pretty cool. Love her voice. I like how they used a chick as the tech nerd in the game. :)
Desmond is still awesome as ever. I feel bad that he ends up killing Lucy. He regrets it like hell afterwards.
I haven't made it far in the game due to business. I'm at the part where Ezio has just arrived in Roma.
I can't wait to play more of it.
I plan on posting about my experiences with Assassin's Creed, II, and Revelations along with Skyrim and Oblivion. So, look out!

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