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Monday, January 13, 2014

What's Your Most Random Conversation From Late At Night?

Okay. So, during the weekend I had two friends over. We were up late Friday and Saturday being as retarded as possible. Okay. Here's what happened both nights:
Friday: The three of us got off of Halo Reach after my bro got busy with making a map. We went into my parents' room to watch Netflix. Well, turns out my bro had finished and he wanted Morgan, my gf, to play with him since she's kick ass at the game. He decided to turn off the power and freak out the three of us along with my sis who was also with us. XD Two of the dogs were in the room as well and Daisy had bumped the closed bathroom door and scared the shit out of Christina, my bff, and Morgan. The two held each other as they and my sis, Lexi, flipped out. I was at the bedroom door yelling at my bro to turn on the power. I didn't know the bathroom had been opened. They got my attention about it and I didn't really say anything as I chuckled before going out and chasing my bro, Drake, around the house. He turned it on after a while when Christina went ghetto on them.
We have this joke about her since she's in the badish part of town where she's got a ghetto bad side and ghetto lifestyle. Tape the battery cover to the PSP peoplez! XD Morgan put a silly band on hers. CC is a sweet as all out gets girl and we call her ghetto when she gets mad! XD I'm gonna post a video of us one day.
Drake ended up turning the lights off without turning the power off again later. We were still in my parents' room just talking.
We were telling ghost stories and then stories about crazy things that happen at home with siblings. CC doesn't have any unfortunately.
Saturday: CC showed me a Chris Angel video from one of his more recent ones. This was the episode where he brought someone back to life. Fucked up shit.
Morgan was getting scared and she wasn't even watching it with us. She was playing GTA V. Eventually we turned the video off and went into a conversation of the lifestyle he'd had over the years. Then it went like this:
List of Topics Discussed:
Jesus was crazy. I stayed up all night playing GTA V when they went to bed at six.
Oh, before I forget, more stuff happened before six a.m.
Me and Morgan were talking about different stuff while sitting on the couch. Suddenly, Fisher, my thirteen year old chocolate lab, gets up and walks to stand in front of my bro's couch and pisses a bit. Then he walks over and stands in front of the lizard tank and pisses some more. We're yelling at him to stop and get to the door so I can let him out. He goes over and pisses right on the floor in front of it. I let him out before cleaning it up. -facepalms- He pisses when he's mad.
I will post our gameplay videos on Halo onto Youtube for those who would like to watch them. :3

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